Next Steps
Our Strategy
Highlighted below is a brief summary of our strategy as we embark on the reserve project.
- Endowment: Along with the land purchase fund, a new endowment will be established that will be invested in low risk assets for a yield that will pay the basic running costs of the new reserve. Because of the low cost of land in southern Namibia and the low maintenances costs, we propose to add 20% to the land purchase price by way of contributing to the endowment.
- Staffing and Management: The ProNamib Nature Reserve will be managed by Murray Tindall, who is internationally recognized and has years of experience and expertise.
- Carbon Sequestration: baseline measurement and adoption of best land management practises to restore degraded land.
- Giraffe Reintroduction: Our management team will work with the renowned Giraffe Conservation Foundation to establish a sustainable giraffe population – large enough for growth without in-breeding.
- Governance: The ProNamib Nature Reserve will be owned by the ProNamib Trust, a charitable entity whose main objective is nature conservation in Namibia. The reserve will be governed by a board and managed by Murray Tindall (see above).
- Budget: A budget has been prepared that covers both management and conservation baseline measurement costs. This – and other details of the costs of establishing the reserve – can be provided on request.
- Donations: donations can be made into the National Philanthropic Trust, a UK registered charity which has an arrangement with the ProNamib Trust.

The ProNamib Trust
The ProNamib Trust was established in March 2020 in order to facilitate the acquisition of land for conservation and to raise funds for the Environment.