The ProNamib Trust
The ProNamib Trust
The ProNamib Trust was established in March 2020 in order to facilitate the acquisition of land for conservation and to raise funds for the Environment. The Trust is registered as a charitable organisation with the Namibian Government under the Trust Deed no: 66/2020
The Objects of the Trust are
- promote and advance the conservation and protection of the natural environment held in trust for future generations;
- enhance scientific understanding of the natural environment in the ProNamib Nature Reserve and the Greater Sossusvlei Namib Landscape (“GSNL”);
- promote environmental education and human capital development in the the ProNamib Nature Reserve and in the neighbouring communities; and
- support any other charitable causes for the benefit of Namibia and Namibians as the trustees may unanimously determine from time to time with a particular focus on previously disadvantaged Namibians in a manner which is consistent with a protected natural environment and just society.
The ProNamib Trust is the legal, Namibian, owner of newly acquired land that forms part of the ProNamib Nature Reserve.
ProNamib Trust| Trust No: T 66/2020
PO Box 83
Maltahöhe, Namibia
ProNamib Conservation Centre, Erf No. 186, Cnr. Post & Amt St,
Maltahöhe, Namibia
Tel: +264 840006026